ChitraVedicAstrology.com is dedicated to providing the most relevant information on the science of Jyotish (a.k.a Vedic Astrology). The word Jyotish is translated as ‘science of light.’ Therefore, our mission is to enlighten students of Vedic Astrology by providing accurate information on this secret science. The science of Vedic Astrology (aka Jyotish) is used as a tool to help understand how the energy of the universe influences our karma. To clarify, Vedic Astrology can help you make the right decision at the right time, or as a positive predictive tool. Our mission is to focus on the positive aspect of Vedic Astrology that lifts your spirits and enlightens you with knowledge. May all be blessed who seek the wisdom of Jyotish.
How Can This Website Be Useful?
ChitraVedicAstrology.com is useful for students of Jyotish by providing information regarding the planetary alignments in your horoscope. Some valuable information found on this website includes Lords in Houses, Planets in Houses, Nakshatras, Timing of Marriage, Timing of Children, etc. Please refer to my List of Articles to see all subjects.