Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is the twelfth nakshatra and comes after Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. This nakshatra is a pair to Purva Phalguni which share similar qualities. Uttara Phalguni zodiac range is from 26o 40’ Leo to 10o 00’ Virgo; therefore, the Leo and Virgo energy dominate this nakshatra. The zodiac sign Leo is the natural 5th house which relates to power, authority, creativity, and self-expression. However, the zodiac sign Virgo is the natural 6th house, and it relates to the mundane world and serving others. Nevertheless, Uttara Phalguni animal is a Bull (male cow). Bulls are known to be aggressive, sexual, masculine, and competitive which is the nature of this nakshatra.
Is Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Good?
You may be wondering “Is Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra good?” Uttara Phalguni is a good nakshatra because people with this nakshatra strong are blessed with the gift of patronage. They love helping p and being around people. Relationships are important to them because they can freely express their generosity with their friends, family, and partner.
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Name
Uttara Phalguni name means “the latter reddish one”. This nakshatra is a pair with Purva Phalguni which name means “former reddish one”. Purva Phalguni main symbol is the “Front legs of a Bed” while Uttara Phalguni main symbol is the “Back legs of a Bed”.
Uttara Phalguni Ruling Deity: Aryaman
The ruling deity of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is Aryaman. The deity Aryaman is one of the 12 solar gods (Adityas). Aryaman is the god of patronage, sacred laws, marriage, unions, friendship, favors, and kindness. Aryaman is and Bhaga (the deity of Purva Phalguni) are invoked simultaneously since they form a pair.
Uttara Phalguni Ruling Planet
The ruling planet of Uttara Phalguni is the Sun (Surya). The sun is known as the chief/king of all the planets. The energy of the Sun relates to courage, honor, valor, power, authority, rulership, illuminations, and it is the signification of your soul.
Nature and Characteristics of Uttara Phalguni People
Uttara Phalguni nakshatra energy is a combination of the ruling planet, Sun; the ruling deities Aryaman (solar deity), and the main symbol ‘Back Legs of a Bed’. Therefore, people with Uttara Phalguni nakshatra strong in their chart will express the qualities of this nakshatra powerfully. When Uttara Phalguni is strong in your chart this means your Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Atmakaraka is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
Uttara Phalguni people are patriotic this means they love helping, supporting, and giving their time and energy to family, friends, or anyone who needs help. They love people and have a strong desire to try to make things better for the world and humanity. They are very honorable and true to their word. Because they love helping people so much, they can often be a doormat in which others will try to step over them. However, since the Sun (the planet of power and authority) rules this nakshatra, they can stand up for themselves and not let others walk all over them.
These people are also very authoritative, independent, and self-reliant. This is because the Sun rules this nakshatra and the Sun is related to independence and being able to stand on your own two feet. However, Uttara Phalguni people use their power and authority to take the leadership role to help and support people in need. They like serving people from and authoritative positions or roles.
Relationships are important to Uttara Phalguni people. They have a strong need to be around other people. Because of this, they need to watch out for the company they keep because they can attract people with bad reputations. They prefer to be with someone than be alone. This is why they also must watch out for who they marry or are involved in a romantic relationship with. They are very loyal friends and are at their happiest when in relationships.
Planets in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Planets in this Nakshatra inherit the qualities of Uttara Phalguni. Therefore, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra gives the energy of patronage, sacred laws, marriage, unions, contracts, friendship, favors, and kindness to each planet. Therefore, people with Purva Phalguni nakshatra strong in their chart will express the qualities of this nakshatra powerfully. When Purva Phalguni is strong in your chart this means your Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Atmakaraka is in this Uttara Phalguni nakshatra.
Sun in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Sun in Uttara Phalguni influences the meaning of Sun (soul, ego, character, career, identity, authority figures, father, etc.) with the energy of Uttara Phalguni (helping, marriage, unions, contracts, friendship, favors, kindness, leadership, ancestors, etc.)
People with Sun in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra prefer to work in a team or group environment. They love being around people and working with others especially in their work environment. They use their power, authority, and leadership abilities to help those in need. They can well have a career where they are helping or supporting others. Individuals are responsible when it comes to lending a helping hand. On the other hand, since the ‘back legs of a bed’ is a symbolism of this nakshatra, these people love lounging on their couches or beds. Their lounge is not necessary for sleep but for quality time alone and to recharge their batteries. People with Sun in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra like helping and being involved with children. They can be sponsors of children’s organizations or they give generously to children’s charities. They also like helping and supporting their children and will go out of their way to make sure their children are well taken care of. On the other hand, when it comes to their career, they are aggressive, assertive, and can bulldozer through any obstacles and challenges on the job similarity the Bull (ruling animals).
Sun is the karaka of profession in Vedic Astrology. Uttara Phalguni zodiac range is in both Leo and Virgo. The ruling planet/lord Sun represents creativity, power, authority, and leaders, etc. Therefore, people with Sun in Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra can have professions in Creative Pursuits: Drawing, Painting, Creative Writing, Decorating, Makeup Artist, Artist, Illustrator, Sketching, Graphic Artist, Designer, Fashion Designer: Leadership Professions: Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Businessmen, Businesswomen, Header of the company (CEO, CIO, CFO). All Professions Dealing with Children: Nanny, a Babysitter, etc. Marriage and Unions Careers: Matcher Makers, Marriage Officiant, Wedding Planners, Dating Services. Contractors and Agreement Careers; in which one is signing a contract to perform work and creating a contract. Astrologers, Counselors, and Advisors.
Moon in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Moon in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra influences mind, emotions, desire, home, comforts, mother with the energy of Uttara Phalguni.
Moon in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra mean these people’s minds can bulldozer through all obstacle in their lives. They have a very practical, realistic, and analytical way of looking at challenges. Because they can see the details of a situation, individuals have the minds to solve the tiniest problems. On the other hand, their minds are focused on lending a helping hand. They are caring, sincere, and willing to help a friend in a heartbeat. These people want to help people in society and the underdog. They have a caring heart for small children and animals and fight for their rights. Nevertheless, they are strong believers in relationships, marriage, and unions. Consequently, a Moon in Uttara Phalguni person prefers to be in a relationship instead of being alone: However, if the planet Moon is in bad dignity, they can be in an emotionally dependent relation which they need a partner in their lives to feel a sense of connection. Because of this, they can often stay in a relationship too long. Nevertheless, both Moon and the Female Buffalo (ruling animal) are related to water; as a result, Moon in Uttara Phalguni person loves being around water. They enjoy taking long showers, baths, being in hot tubs, swimming in lakes, or splashing around in a pond. When they are around water this balances their emotions and helps them feel alive.
Mercury in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Mercury in Uttara Phalguni relates to communication, logical intelligence, learning capacity, skills, mental curiosity, hobbies, friends, and younger siblings. The planet Mercury is exalted in the Virgo range Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
Mercury in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra means these people are masterminds, especially in the Virgo range: They are very intelligent with contracts and documents. Because of this, they are the best businessmen and businesswomen when it comes to contractual agreements. They have the logical intelligence to analyze documents and eliminate the margin of errors. Because of this, they can make wonderful contractual lawyers, attorneys, marriage attorneys, proofreaders, document creators. Individuals are good and document life events They have the mental curiosity to want to learn about sacred laws of both the mundane and spiritual worlds. On the other hand, Mercury is the karaka of friends and younger siblings. A person with Mercury in Uttara Phalguni friends and younger siblings are helpful, kind, and caring. When the native needs a favor or helping hand, friends and younger siblings will be by their side in a heartbeat.
Venus in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Venus in Uttara Phalguni influences the karakas of Venus marriage, relationships, passion, creativity with the energy of Uttara Phalguni.
Venus in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra mean these people are passionate about socializing, unions, friendships, contracts, and relationships. They need a personal relationship in their lives to feel inspired and alive: Because contracts and relationships are so important to them, they make the best matchmakers and do exceptionally well with group congregations. They can be planners of parties, events, meetings, or any type of group gathering.
Venus represents Marriage in both male’s and females’ charts; Therefore, people with Venus in Uttara Phalguni desire a strong marriage and partnership. Relationships are very important to them, and they live for that special bond and emotional connection. The ruling deity Aryaman is the God of marriage and unions. So, Aryaman can promise marriage in their lives. The God Aryaman blesses natives with a soulmate match, this can be seen as a divine or heavy match. If they lost someone who they thought was the perfect person for them it was meant to happen because they will meet their soulmate with the blessing of Aryaman. When the right person comes into their life, this Uttara Phalguni activates and they prosper in life.
Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Mars in Uttara Phalguni influences the meanings of Mars (passion, drive, will power, exertion of energy, etc.) with the energy of Uttara Phalguni
Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra people are aggressive, competitive, and have the power to clear any obstacles in their lives. This is because the Bull is the ruling animal of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra; therefore, a Bull is aggressive and can clear away any obstacles in its path. When they are faced with challenges they have the willpower, drive, and exert their energy to wipe out hurdles in their lives. Because of this aggressive nature, both men and women appear masculine or have aggressive personalities. As a result, they make competitive athletes who will stop at nothing to win a competition. On the other hand, Mars is the karaka of siblings and male friends; therefore, siblings and male friends are more than happy to lend a helping hand to a Mars in Uttara Phalguni person. For women, this placement can signify a boyfriend. When dating boyfriends (male friends) are kind and considerate; however, they can often display over-aggressive natures and can be very protective.
Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni influences children, higher education, advisors, expansion, money, and husband (for women) with the energy of Uttara Phalguni.
Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra mean these people are helpful, kind, generous, caring, and true humanitarians. The planet Jupiter expands the qualities of this nakshatra. In addition, both Uttara Phalguni and Jupiter relate to law, children, and charitable nature. Therefore, individuals can pursue the highest education in law or be spiritualists who adhere to the sacred laws of the universe. They are also very protective of children, especially in the Leo Range. In addition, they are charitable and freely give their time to lend a helping hand to those in need.
Jupiter is the husband in the females’ chart: Females with Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra life improve after marriage. The husband will have the characteristics of this nakshatra; therefore, he will be kind, generous, helpful, and supportive. However, the husband can be aggressive, protective, headstrong, and sexual. The God, Aryaman (ruling deity) blesses females to find their soulmates. With this placement, if a female feels like she will never meet Mr. Right, the right man for her eventually comes along with the blessing of Aryaman. This is especially true during the Dasha of Jupiter or the Chara Dasha of Leo or Virgo (the sign Jupiter is placed in the birth chart). To predict the timing of marriage, please read Darakaraka Your Spouse Article.
Saturn in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Saturn in Uttara Phalguni influences the meanings of Saturn (karma, hard work, delay, discipline, patient with the energy of Uttara Phalguni (kind, generous, helpful, etc.)
People with Saturn in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra can experience a delay when it comes to helping and supporting others. That is to say, they may not have the resources, time, and energy to commit to helping people the way they want. They do have a strong desire to service others by lending a helping hand but find it challenging. For instance, if Saturn is in Uttara Phalguni in the 2nd house, they can have a strong desire to help family members financially but may not have the money to do so. However, they will be able to help others more when Saturn matures around 36 or return to its natal placement in the birth chart. On the other hand, servants, employees, and subordinates are helpful and supportive. A Saturn in Uttara Phalguni person can turn to employees and servants when they need help and assistance.
Rahu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Rahu in Uttara Phalguni influences the meaning of Rahu (shortcuts, unexpected, explosion, foreign, illusions, etc.) with the theme of Uttara Phalguni.
Rahu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra people can be obsessed with the details. This is especially true in the Virgo range. They can overdo analyzing and nitpicking. They can be prone to OCD especially in the Virgo range in which they will do something and over again until it feels right. On the other hand, they can have inflated egos. This is because the ruling planet Sun relates the ego and Rahu explodes this quality. Nevertheless, Rahu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra people can marry someone from a foreign country or of foreign birth.
Ketu In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Ketu in Uttara Phalguni influences the meaning of Ketu (mysticism, seclusion, introverts, past lives, nonattachment, etc.) with the energy of Uttara Phalguni.
Ketu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra people can experience detachment when helping others. This is because they had a past life experience in which they were devoted to helping, supporting, and caring for others; however, in this current life, they want to detach from patronage duties. Since Uttara Phalguni is the nakshatra of marriage and union and Ketu is related to karma and past lives; they had a past incarnation with their marriage partner who returns to help work out their karma. Also, any type of contract they sign or union they form can have both auspicious and inauspicious karma attached to it.